Tuesday, August 24, 2010

blogger question

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the "summary" field in the atom feed from a blogger blog to include thumbnails of the images in the blog?

I recognize that this would probably require some coding on Google's part, but it doesn't seem like anything that's beyond them, and it would be a pretty cool feature/option.


  1. Alternatively, I wonder if there's some way to create my own thumbnails and force blogger to insert the thumbnail references into the summary... ...of course, at this point, I'd be kindof negating the advantages of using a pre-build blogging system...

    ...maybe I need to switch to drupal on a self-hosted machine, and use PIL to condense the images.

    Perhaps the whole thing that reads my blog, condenses it to "summary only" and sticks thumbnails in the summary could live as a Google App?

  2. I have no idea about blogger, but I'd use wordpress or movabletype instead of drupal. I looked at Drupal for a while, and it just came off as pretty heavyweight a for a simple blog. On the other hand it's more flexible than either alternative. (Or well, at least wordpress.) I endorse the non-blogger site, simply because google and their broken openid pisses me off to no end.
